Dodecahedral Rhombic Monohedra

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This Demonstration shows Grünbaum's classification of dodecahedral rhombic monohedra.


To summarize the situation concerning dodecahedral rhombic monohedra, we have the following polyhedra of spherical type:

Two convex dodecahedra (Kepler's and Bilinski's: 1 and 2)

Three simply indented dodecahedra (one from Kepler's polyhedron and two from Bilinski's: 3, 4, 5)

One doubly indented dodecahedron (Bilinski's polyhedron: 6) [1, p. 14]


Contributed by: Izidor Hafner (July 2019)
Open content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA


[1] B. Grünbaum. "The Bilinski Dodecahedron, and Assorted Parallelohedra, Zonohedra, Monohedra, Isozonohedra and Otherhedra." (Jul 16, 2019)


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