Rainbow Art

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This Demonstration lets you create your own piece of colorful abstract art by using the colors of the rainbow ("hues") in many ways. Cutouts from circles (called "arcs") show colors that spread over a wide range and flow into each other.


You can choose between a semiautomatic drawing (select "auto") or more hands-on control (select "disk" or "from-to"). Eight vertices are placed on the "canvas" (controlled by your mouse), and one rainbow-colored arc and one monochrome-colored round dot are placed at each vertex.


Contributed by: Karl Scherer (June 2015)
Open content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA



Introduction To move one of the eight vertices, click it and keep the mouse button pressed while you move the dot around.

Controls Click popup menu "project" to show some sample paintings. Use "shift" to move your project to the left, right, top, or bottom, if necessary. Select "zoom" to zoom out. Use "background" to select a new background color for the current project.

Types "auto/disk/from..to"

"auto" No matter which dot you move, the dot numbered "1" is connected to the closest dot; this second dot is then connected to a third dot. The third dot is the closest of those dots that are not contained in the connected chain of dots yet. Finally, the last dot remaining is connected to the first. Only eight vertices are available for this type. However, when using type "disk" or "from-to" you can add vertices.

The from-to parameters of the arcs and the size of the arcs are controlled by the angle between consecutive lines and the distance between consecutive vertices. Explore! In the "auto" case, the parameters controlled by you for each vertex are direction of hue, opacity, dot size, and dot color.

"disk" This option creates a circular ring (disk) of hues around each vertex, and also a round dot at each vertex. You can add vertices by clicking "add." Warning: clicking "auto" later will only keep the first eight vertices! Parameters used: size, direction, opacity, dot size, dot color.

"from...to" This option creates an arc (part of a circular ring) of hues around each vertex, and also a round dot at each vertex. You can add vertices by clicking "add." Warning: clicking "auto" later will only keep the first eight vertices! Parameters used: size, from angle, to angle, direction, opacity, dot size, dot color.

"vertex" popup menu Select the vertex you want to edit. The number of vertices available is indicated after "of." Note that when using type 1 ("automatic"), only eight vertices are available!

"size" slider Select the radius (size) of the arc you want to edit.

"from" slider Select the from angle of the arc you want to edit. If the angle is larger than the to angle, 360 degrees will be deducted.

"to" slider Select the to angle of the arc you want to edit. If the angle is smaller than the from angle, 360 degrees will be added.

"hue speed" Select whether the rainbow colors (hues) are displayed clockwise or counterclockwise, and how fast the hues change. For example, a speed of two means that the whole series of hues is mapped twice around the current vertex.

"dot size" Select the radius (size) of the dot (ring) around the current vertex.

"dot color" Select the monochrome color of the dot (ring) around the current vertex.

"update" When you select another dot color, any arc using this color is not automatically updated (all other parameters are automatically updated). Click "update" to see the change on the drawing board.

"action" popup menu: various controls "random pos": system randomly selects positions for the locators (vertices)

"size => all": apply the current "size" selection to all vertices. "size rnd": system randomizes the arc sizes for each vertex.

"from => all": apply the current "from" selection to all vertices. "from rnd": system randomizes the from angles for each vertex.

"to => all": apply the current "to" selection to all vertices. "to rnd": system randomizes the to angles for each vertex.

"hue speed => all": apply the current hue direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) to all vertices. "hue speed rnd": system randomizes the hue direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).

"opacity => all": apply the current opacity to all vertices. "opacity rnd": system randomizes the opacity for each vertex.

"dot size => all": apply the current dot size to all vertices. "dot size rnd": system randomizes the dot size.

"dot color => all": apply the current dot color to all vertices. "dot color rnd": system randomizes the dot color.

"all rnd": system randomizes all (i.e., all of the above parameters).

"repeat" toggle The last action will be repeated, if possible.

"lines" toggle Click to make the lines visible or invisible.

"numbers" toggle Click to make the sequential numbers visible or invisible.

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