Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Demonstrations 201 - 240 of 739
21. Construct a Triangle with Equal Base Angles That Are Each Double the Third Angle19. Construct a Triangle Given the Length of Its Base, the Difference of Its Base Angles and a Special Point of Intersection18. Construct a Triangle Given the Length of Its Base, the Difference of Angles at Its Base and the Point of Intersection of an Angle Bisector with Its BaseThe Plemelj Construction of a Triangle: 2The Plemelj Construction of a Triangle: 13
The Plemelj Construction of a Triangle: 12The Plemelj Construction of a Triangle: 11The Plemelj Construction of a Triangle: 10The Plemelj Construction of a Triangle: 911b. Construct a Triangle Given the Lengths of Two Sides and the Bisector of Their Common Angle
6. Construct a Triangle Given Its Circumradius, Inradius and the Length of Its Base17b. Construct a Triangle Given the Length of an Angle Bisector, the Angle at Another Vertex and the Distance from the Third Vertex to the Angle Bisector17a. Construct a Triangle Given the Length of an Angle Bisector, the Angle at Another Vertex and Distance from the Third Vertex to the Angle Bisector16. Construct a Triangle Given Its Circumradius, Inradius and the Difference of Its Base Angles15. Construct a Triangle Given the Lengths of Two Sides and the Median to the Third Side
14. Construct a Triangle Given the Length of the Altitude to the Base, a Base Angle and the Sum of the Lengths of the Other Two Sides5. Construct a Triangle Given Its Circumradius, the Difference of Base Angles and the Sum of the Other Two Sides12. Construct a Triangle Given the Length of Its Base, the Perimeter and the Difference of the Base Angles4. Construct a Triangle Given Its Circumradius, Inradius and a Vertex Angle3. Construct a Triangle Given the Length of an Altitude, the Inradius and the Difference of the Base Angles

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